Duchess Marguerite An aristocratic woman with the hots for her mysterious (vampiric?) childhood friend. Bored by her bedridden husband and longs for a romantic adventure. 30-40s playing age. We are keen to hear from drag performers for this role.
Count Stabbenspine A charming vampire hungry for blood and his next profitable but short-lived marriage. 30-40s playing age. We are keen to hear from drag performers for this role.
Igor Loyal man-servant to Duchess Maguerite, speaks in the third-person, loves sledging and was a former Olympic sledger but is ashamed of his dishonourable exit from the sport. We are keen to hear from comic, character actors for this role. Any playing age.
Olga Former servant to Stabbenspine and current revolutionary who lives in a system of tunnels underneath Bolgorvia. Wants to overthrow the feudal system and kill all vampires. Also known as the ghostly ‘Pale Lady’. 20s-40s playing age.
Edvin Teenage son of Duchess Marguerite, suspicious of the Count, close to his father and driven to avenge him. Has low-key physic powers and Hamlet vibes. 20-30s playing age, extra points if you can pass for a teenager!
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