Seeking talents for student short film, “Heaven Knows,” a 7-10 minute romantic drama set amidst The Troubles in Northern Ireland. The filming is set to start in mid-February 2024, lasting approximately two weeks, and it’s a paid opportunity. Casting for pivotal roles: Loma, Luke, and Cathal.
• Lorna: In search of an Irish actor, aged 18-22, with singing ability and possibly a ROL accent. Lorna undergoes a journey to self-discovery, growing in confidence and independence. Her affectionate nature stems from profound love and a desire to shield her loved ones.
• Luke: Seeking an Irish actor with a singing ability, aged 18-24 and possibly with a ROL accent. He embodies a sensitive soul, adept at emotional expression. Passionate about music and poetry, he exudes amiability and consideration, guiding his actions.
• Cathal: Looking for an Irish actor, aged 22-26. possibly with a ROL accent. He personifies an overbearing, protective figure, acting as the household’s guardian. Quick to resort to force, he conceals vulnerabilities behind toughness, fiercely guarding familial memories.