Comedy short film looking for actors. Based in Edinburgh.

Bride’s Last Ride

Female, 18-35 for characters listed below:

Clara – Materialistic and self obsessed and still views the world as if its high school. She’s the head of the group and loves to belittle the others, especially Eleanor.

Eleanor (ALREADY CASTED) – Doesn’t care about her reputation like the others do, she speaks her mind and isn’t particularly materialistic. She has clearly moved on from high school and can’t stand the way Clara treats the other.

Amelia – Quieter than the rest and while she does always try to please Clara, she has a special bond with Eleanor. She is organised and punctual and easily stressed out.

Midge – Particularly materialistic. While she is not the head of the group, she still likes to talk down to others apart from Clara who she adores and fears.

Female, 60+ for characters below:

Elderly Eleanor (Same character as above)

Elderly Amelia (Same Character as above)

Theatre background preferred but not necessary.

Shooting dates to be confirmed but likely late March/early April.

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