Casting Call

Project Title: Array of Light

ROWAN: (18 y/o, non-binary) The star of our film, Rowan is an awkward but intelligent teenager who – on the day of their 18th birthday- sets out to find a new style, and identity, that feels right to them.

RUTH: (40-50 y/o, female) As a mother, Ruth has always done her best to give Rowan the love and support they need. But when Rowan faces a new, unfamiliar challenge to Ruth, she struggles to find the right answers to all their questions.

DAVID: (40-50 y/o, male) Much like his wife, Ruth, David always wants to do what he can to help his family – even if emotional conversations can be a bit awkward for him.

NAN: (60-70 y/o, female) Rowan’s nan – sweet and caring – always tries her best to support her grandchild.

AUSTIN: (18-22 y/o, trans male) One of Rowan’s best friends, Austin is laid-back, yet blunt in his approach. He loves finding common interests with his friends and is always sharing new hobbies and music with those closest to him.

ZOEY: (18-22 y/o, female) The other of Rowan’s best friends, Zoey is bubbly, expressive, and optimistic. She lives to make the people around her happier and is elated by the idea of helping Rowan express themselves – making it her own personal mission to find them a new style.

SHOP ASSISSTANT: (18-25 y/o, any) A shop assistant that works at a clothing shop the main characters visit.

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