Lamb Films are casting four roles in their upcoming feature film, Rozkvet. This is a paid opportunity for actors based in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Filming in the Greater Belfast-area, Northern Ireland in July and additional filming in September- October. (dates TBD).

FLORIAN – Playing age 20-25 years (5-7 day on set)
Male. German speaker. Waffen SS infantryman. A self-centred sadist, subconsciously haunted by his actions.

KURT – Playing age 18-25 (4-6 days on set)
Male. German speaker. Waffen SS infantryman. Naïvely loyal to the Nazi cause. Innocence lost.

GREGOR – Playing age 45-55 (2-3 days on set)
Male. Slovak & German speaker. Farmer & Nazi collaborator. Self-serving, ultimately a coward.

BLANKA – Playing age 18-25 (2-3 days on set)
Female. Slovak speaker (also required to speak 3-4 lines in German). Gregor’s daughter. Obedient to her father and his misguided beliefs. Tragic circumstances force her to choose her own path.

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