Project Description: A cinematography module assessment, where we have to make a short 30 second film of someone having a memory or flashback.

Genre: Drama

Character descriptions:
2 characters, one man and one woman (not named as it is unnecessary for this short film), married but the woman is widowed and takes a look around her late husbands study to and has flashbacks of their life together.
Woman: (late 20’s early 30’s) just lost her husband and is having a difficult time moving on. She hasn’t been in her late husbands study since his death but decides to take a look around – starts having memories of their life together.
Man: (late 20’s early 30’s) flashbacks of this character with his wife.

Shooting will happen on two of these dates.
18th November
25th November
2nd December
11th December

Location: University of Roehampton, Stuart Digby Campus
Conditions: Unpaid. Expenses reimbursed.

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