Genre – Sci-fi Drama
Format – Short Film
Length – 12 minutes

Talent Required
Lieutenant Caden MacAllister is in his early 40s. He is married with one child (a 15-year-old girl) and a baby on the way. Caden is smart, and efficient and likes to play by the book. He was a Group Captain on one of Earth’s space stations up until a year ago. But, after an accident that set back the completion of the Outer Space Station for another 5 years, has now been downgraded to being a Lieutenant in the Dust Core. He fully respects full responsibility. He training Cinra and can see great potential in her. Also sees a lot of his own daughter in Cinra.

Apprentice Cinra Binneas (Gaelic for Harmony) is in her early 20s. She is incredibly smart with a dry wit. She has a ‘work smarter, not harder’ attitude. She will take shortcuts with work, but not because she is lazy, it’s because she’s found a more efficient way of working. From a poor family, and was picked from a lottery to join the Outer Earth Federation. She wants to prove that she can be the best and make her family proud. She is very excited to be going into space.

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