Casting call for tomorrow from 9 am until midday.

The location is St Andrews Stadium Birmingham.


Football Fans (6 roles): Age/Gender: Open, ages 20+.
Ethnicity: Reflective of Birmingham’s multicultural environment.
Role: Enthusiastic football fans.
Requirements: Able to take direction well. Football shirts will be provided.
Payment: £50 each + £25 travel.

Child Carer (1 role):Gender: Female
Age: 40-60s.
Ethnicity: Open.
Role: Acting as a child carer.
Requirements: Able to take direction well.
Payment: £50 + £25 travel.

Elderly Man (1 role):Gender: Male
Age: 50+.
Ethnicity: Open.
Role: Sitting in the football ground stands.
Requirements: Able to take direction well.
Payment: £50 + £25 travel.

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