CLAUDIUS (Male identifying, 40 – 45) An old soul. Father to Hamlet, he wants nothing more than to connect with his grief stricken child. Has made some poor choices but his heart is in the right place.
LAERTES (Non Binary, 25-30) A junior communications officer. Family-oriented and adventurous – older sibling to Ophelia and Polonius’s favourite. Rather quick to anger.
THE PRIME MINISTER (Female Identifying, 40+) Leader, Almost a Jacinda Arden type – politically switched on but relatable and likable. Hamlet’s devoted mother.
HORATIO (Male identifying 23-26) Foreign Diplomat, Hamlet’s best friend, loyal, everyone’s cup of tea. Golden retriever energy with great comedic timing.
FORTINBRAS (Male identifying, 30 +) Leader of the Opposition, kind hearted but not a pushover. The people’s choice.
THE ACTOR (Male identifying, 25-70) Hired by Hamlet to perform but is rarely allowed a word in edgeways-your general member of the public. Takes on the role of speaker of the House of Commons for Act 2.
VOLTIMUND (Ungendered, 23+) Press secretary and deputy chief of staff. Push over – just here to do the job really. Great dry humour.
HAMLET (Female identifying, 23-26) Child of Claudius and The late P.M. Grief Stricken but still witty, entirely loving but heavily distrusting. A conflicted character who has to navigate the crushing political world, as well as their own. Preferably inhabited by someone who the canon has usually not associated with the appearance of Hamlet.
GERTRUDE (Female identifying, 35-40) Very strong, cunning leader. Wife to Claudius, Sister to deceased P.M.
BERNARDO (Ungendered 24-28) Governmental Aid, Absolute nutter but gets away with it because of their charm and dedication to work. Great comedic timing and the ability to break hearts at the emotional height of Act 2.
MARCELLUS (Ungendered 25-30) Governmental Aid, Switched on and ambitious. The job before everything type with a stubborn stiff upper lip attitude. Invested in a growing romance with Bernardo.
OPHELIA (Female identifying, 25-28) A strong, moral and witty M.P. Knows her worth, wears her heart on her sleeve and detests the political climate she finds herself in.
POLONIUS (Male identifying, 40+) Chancellor of the exchequer and fiercely loyal to Gertrude. The flamboyant and commanding father to Ophelia and Laertes. Unaware of how his hilarious peacocking can deter those around him.