A coming of age story following a teenage girl as she discovers the dark side of her close friends in the face of an unexpected
encounter on a night out to an abandoned house

Cast Needed:

HOLLY F. 18-21
Young, impressionable, anxious but tries to put on a brave face to impress her more mature friends

ROSS M. 18-21
Holly’s love interest, mature yet childish, cheeky and arrogant. Has suppressed anger and demons which erupt into a violent rage

GIBBO M, 18-21
Reckless and immature yet experienced. Unpleasant to be around as his unexpected impulses bring out a suppressed anger, similar to Ross

JADE F, 18-21
A close friend of Holly’s – sensible and responsible. A stark contrast to Holly’s other friends

Protective, animalistic and violent – symbolic of the oppressive adult world these characters are about to enter

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