
Looking for Northern UK actors for February short film.

A sensitive story about ageing and letting go, it is bittersweet but uplifting – madcap but ethereal. Plot summary at bottom.


> MOLLY: (60-80) wicked wit and tough facade, but during the
story she lets go of her unfulfilled dreams of dancing and motherhood, and ends life celebrating her marriage (Irish accent)

> PATRICK: (60-80) Molly’s kind-hearted departed husband, a joyful, gentle Ferryman leading Molly to accept her coming future (Irish accent).

> MEG: (25-35) Molly’s care worker, a proud former professional
ballerina now chafing at her new career (Irish accent).

> ROSIE: (40-55) Molly & Patrick’s intelligent and supportive daughter stable but sometimes easily flustered.
Like Patrick, she is a spirit who guides Molly to celebrate her life as it is ending. (Irish accent).

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