Glass Hearts (3rd Year Student Film)
Location: Southampton
Dates: 22-24. March (Evening Shoot)
Pay: £150 flat fee
Glass Hearts is a queer short film about two unrequited lovers; Alex and Connor. What began as a passionate young love affair 10 years prior, ended when Connor’s father caught them together. After 10 years and his father’s death, Connor reaches out to Alex to rekindle what they once had. Impassioned discussions of their past and present make for an uncertain future.
Roles we need:
1. Connor (Lead):Charming, confident and straight-forward. Due to internalized homophobia, he has built up a masculine demeanour. Connor has struggled with alcohol addiction in recent years due to anxiety with being himself. He has recently started a new job in finance and gotten back on track. After the recent death of his father, he reached out to Alex to meet up after ghosting him 10 years prior.
2. Alex (Supporting Lead):Well-mannered, adventurous, wears his heart on his sleeve. Alex has built up his confidence over the years with his time spent in the city. He is no longer the introvert Connor knew him as. He is an up and coming director who has already produced a film that gained critical acclaim.

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