Looking for children from YORKSHIRE that fit the following briefs for paid TV roles. The children MUST fit into the below age categories and MUST be natural and raw in front of camera. No dramatic performances. It is essential that you play truth and reality. We can have children older playing younger but NOT younger playing up.

KYLE – 15,Can be as old as eighteen if looks 15, Orla’s (an inmate) eldest child. Angry at his mother and believes she doesn’t love him and his other siblings because she is in prison. Doesn’t want to see Orla in prison/hand-cuffed and is protective over his siblings. Hurt and upset by his mother, vulnerable and sad but is strong for his younger siblings. Mature and understanding, takes the lead when his mother is in prison and his grandma is ill.

CALLUM – 9, Orla’s middle child. Reserved and quiet, keeps himself to himself. Has some understanding of the situation with his Mother being in prison and is weary of it, often stuck between wanting to be with Orla but is very hesitant as he senses his brother Kyle’s anger and frustration.

NANCY – 7, Orla’s youngest child. A bright young girl who isn’t afraid to talk back to her mother sometimes. Close with Orla and wants her affection when she sees her.

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