COURTNEY (Lead Role)
Female. Playing age: 16. Any Ethnicity.

NATHAN (Lead Role)
Male. Playing age: 16. Any Ethnicity.

Nathans Mother (Supporting Role
Female. Playing age: 35 – 60. Any Ethnicity.

Head Teacher (Supporting Role – Speaking)
Male. Playing age: 30 – 65. Any Ethnicity.

EXTRAS (Minor speaking roles)
Teacher Assistant
Any Gender. Playing age: 30 – 60. Any Ethnicity.
Sent to look for Courtney after she escapes school.

Man on street (1)
Male. Playing age: 25-35. Any Ethnicity.
Young professional type. Condescending and smug.

Man on street (2)
Male. Playing age: 30-50
Drunk man leering on the street.

These are paid roles. Rates TBC
Filming dates: 1-5 April.

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