
Casting Call for Short Student film – Peers
Peers is a short film based in Liverpool. It follows the story of Ethan who is asked out by his friends, but the night ends badly for him and the people around him.
Roles available
1. Ethan – Ethan is the main character of the film. He is a quiet lad who doesn’t go out much, but feels he should for his friend Cam’s birthday.
2. Josh – Josh is Ethan’s best friend and is always looking out for him.
3. Cam – Cam is Ethan’s other friend, he’s the kind of person who is friends with everyone, he is also the antagonist in the film.
4. Ethan’s Mum – Ethan’s Mum has a very good relationship with Ethan and is always worrying about him.
5. Sophie – Sophie is a girl who is at the party who likes Ethan and he likes her back.
6. Ethan’s Dad – Ethan’s Dad is a minor role in this film only appearing in one scene.

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