
Looking to cast 4 Bristol based actors for the leading roles in new 3-minute short film. It’s a sketch comedy based on a famous Dad joke which follows 3 different characters deaths and how they intertwine with one another. Each character will be explaining how they died to St. Peter who will ultimately decide whether they end up in Heaven or Hell. We are planning on shooting each character’s story in a different style to emphasise their different personalities and add to the joke.

St. Peter: an incredibly bored angel who works the check in desk for heaven. His days in purgatory are as dull as his beige suit.

The Detective: ripped straight from the Noir films of the 1950s, he likes drinking egg nogs and punching nazis.

The Vigilante: trained in body mind and soul, the vigilante spends his days being the actionist action hero to ever action hero.

The Comic: manic, panicked and totally sporadic, the comic is what you get if you cross the looney toons with the real world

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