Shooting in Sweden, EU w/c 19th February 2024 PAID Pre-production / vertical slice for upcoming AAA video game.
John. Male, 30’s. Caucasian or Asian ethnicity. Accent: GENERAL AMERICAN (accent must be clear and authentic). John is a police officer. Brave, resourceful, likeable and trustworthy. He is handsome, but not disarmingly or distractingly so. Vocally warm, connected and honest.
Ethan. Male, early 20’s. Caucasian ethnicity. Accent: GENERAL AMERICAN (accent must be clear and authentic). Ethan is a police officer. Young, dutiful yet naive. He is respectful to his superiors and wants to work his way up in the force through hard work and dedication. He is handsome, but not disarmingly or distractingly so. Noticeably younger than John (his superior).