Plot: Inspired by her late mom’s successful career, Elsie dreams of becoming a dancer. But her dad, mindful of tough times in the UK, wants her to study health or technology. He’s trying to avoid the pain of losing
Elsie’s mom. As their story unfolds, they must face their fears and accept the realities that shape their lives (further details via email).
Characters Needed:
Elsie: A 20-year-old mixed ethnicity (EU & Scottish/British) woman. With dance experience.
Maria: A 30/35-year-old woman. With dance experience.
Alvin: A Scottish/British man, aged 30-40.
Fiona (formerly known as Agnes): A 60-80-year-old Scottish/British woman.
Three Doctors: Mid-20s actors.
Ahmed: A 30-year-old man.
Dance Instructor: A 30-year-old woman, preferably with dance experience in the past.
Two TV Presenters: Gender doesn’t matter, mid-30s. Extras