Practice Makes Perfect –

1 day shooting in Preston, Lancashire. date to be confirmed but either the 27th or 28th of March 2024
University of central Lancashire student project.

Looking for the role of –
Mum – (Not very original I know)
Non Speaking Role she is only shown in flashbacks Playing age 45 – 50
There will be opportunity for showreel content!
No Line learning required! There will be lines but as a base to go off!
Mum is a woman who wants to keep her daughter safe to say she needs to stay with her husband to be able to have a “stable” relationship and home for her daughter, she doesn’t earn enough to leave him. She is extremely torn about weather to help her daughter or herself. She struggles with her mental health (Bipolar & Depression) this makes her choices so much harder. Mum is a very important character as it is her struggle that makes Olivia want to be able to stand up and tell her story!

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