Looking for:

Scarlett: In search of her sister who has been taken as part of Caraval, Scarlett stumbles across a maze of tunnels with an array of doors. Each door she opens leads her to potential clues, or nightmares. 
The main character of the film. Looking for a female aged 18-20, long brown hair and clothes size 10-12.

Cider Boy: A worker/ actor in Caraval, who serves up a magial cider to Scarlett.
Needed in two scenes. Looking for male aged 18-mid twenties, no specific visual requirements.

Nigel: The fortune teller of Caraval. Scarlett stumbles across his tent from the tunnels, where he is able to answer some of her burning questions. But nothing comes without a price.
Needed in one (long) scene. Looking for a male aged 25+, preferably bald. No other specific visual requirements, although tattoo’s are a plus!

Location: Arts University Plymouth

Shooting: 26th April- 1st May

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