It’s kitchen sink meets surrealism and explores a heightened male gaze.

Each character can be any ethnicity, but a West Yorkshire accent is essential.

Alex Ludd (20) is a cocksure womaniser and a Jack Russell of a man. He is the smallest lad on the local rugby team and trying to prove himself in a world of musclebound meatheads.

Winnie (20) is the object of Alex’s Ludd desires. Quick-witted, dry as owt, and seen by Alex as ‘the fittest girl in the working- men’s’. She’s onto Alex, but intrigued by him, and willing to give him enough rope to hang himself.

Mutton (25) is a musclebound meathead, top cock and the captain of the rugby team. He lives to compete.

Granddad (65) is the coach of the local rugby team. He’s old school, ‘broad Yorkshire as chuff’, and prides himself on what it means to be a ‘proper man’.

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