Acting role available for the Dark Matter web series project.

(This is an unfunded project for Actors to gain experience and showreel footage etc)

Synopsis: A very dark take on a romantic comedy. A boy and girl (Cory & Emily) fall in love at first sight. One day they are meant to meet but the girl ends up in a car accident. Cory devastated by losing his true love falls into a deep depression but knowing that Emily will never leave him still sees her everywhere he goes.

Role: Cory-Male-Aged 18-24
Cory is a happy go lucky guy who falls head over heels in love with Emily. Everything goes so well for himself and Emily until one fateful day the unexpected happens. This character requires a strong actor as it deals with love, loss and grief.

Filming will take place in Bath on the 24th,25th & 27th September.

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