black cat, brown bear: casting call

Blake (Lead): Blake is a 20 year old man. He’s short (5’0 – 5’6) and has black hair. He’s not taking care of himself and wears baggy re-worn clothing. He’s deeply bitter and is trying to get his version of revenge.

Blake is depressive and bitter which can make him come off as edgy sometimes. He is completely consumed by online culture so he can be insufferable to most as a result. Blake avoids doing the work to fix parts of his life and would rather latch onto friends, social media or a drink. He craves short term happiness and validation rather than a long term fix that would be better for him overall. No particular features or race required for this role. Acting experience is required.

Kaleb (Supporting): Kaleb is also a 20 year old man. He’s taller, well dressed, and has short blonde hair. Brown accents on clothing. Kaleb is a soft spoken and collected person. He is avoidant of confrontation as he finds the idea incredibly daunting for him. He can be intensely emotional and uses these techniques to protect himself from potential emotional damage. No particular features or race required for this role. Acting experience is required.

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