Casting Calls

Looking for the following role, filming 1 day within April-July 2023 in Italy

Male, 20s, is a bird-like American Jewish boy. Slim, red-headed, alluring and mean. Would love to hear from members of the LGBTQ+ community.

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Looking for the following role, filming 1 day within April-July 2023 in Italy

Male, 20s, is a bird-like American Jewish boy. Slim, red-headed, alluring and mean. Would love to hear from members of the LGBTQ+ community.
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Cambridge-based student film
2 Actors, 1 Actress, 10 Extras

Character synopsis
1. Cyril: Cyril(Male) is the lead actress and will require an actor between the ages of 16-20. An innocent soul, Cyril has little knowledge or experience of the supernaturalistic role. However, Cyril plays the main supporting actor in the film.
2. Young Daniel: As the main character in the film daniel is 80 years old, Daniel is in the early stages of dementia, and thus you will be playing the role of Daniel to show his younger version. The role would be closely associated with a young soldier who is aged between 20-25.
3. Daniel’s Wife: A supportive figure for Daniel who is between the ages of 18 and 25 but who is not treated properly and leaves Daniel as a result.

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Cambridge-based student film
2 Actors, 1 Actress, 10 Extras

Character synopsis
1. Cyril: Cyril(Male) is the lead actress and will require an actor between the ages of 16-20. An innocent soul, Cyril has little knowledge or experience of the supernaturalistic role. However, Cyril plays the main supporting actor in the film.
2. Young Daniel: As the main character in the film daniel is 80 years old, Daniel is in the early stages of dementia, and thus you will be playing the role of Daniel to show his younger version. The role would be closely associated with a young soldier who is aged between 20-25.
3. Daniel’s Wife: A supportive figure for Daniel who is between the ages of 18 and 25 but who is not treated properly and leaves Daniel as a result.
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Looking for a 18-25 years old looking male to play a supporting role in upcoming film “Emotional Intelligence”
They must have a brown hair or willing to dye their hair. Shooting in Newcastle upon Tyne aiming to shoot around Mid-Late March 2023

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Looking for a 18-25 years old looking male to play a supporting role in upcoming film “Emotional Intelligence”
They must have a brown hair or willing to dye their hair. Shooting in Newcastle upon Tyne aiming to shoot around Mid-Late March 2023
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Glass Hearts (3rd Year Student Film)
Location: Southampton
Dates: 22-24. March (Evening Shoot)
Pay: £150 flat fee
Glass Hearts is a queer short film about two unrequited lovers; Alex and Connor. What began as a passionate young love affair 10 years prior, ended when Connor’s father caught them together. After 10 years and his father’s death, Connor reaches out to Alex to rekindle what they once had. Impassioned discussions of their past and present make for an uncertain future.
Roles we need:
1. Connor (Lead):Charming, confident and straight-forward. Due to internalized homophobia, he has built up a masculine demeanour. Connor has struggled with alcohol addiction in recent years due to anxiety with being himself. He has recently started a new job in finance and gotten back on track. After the recent death of his father, he reached out to Alex to meet up after ghosting him 10 years prior.
2. Alex (Supporting Lead):Well-mannered, adventurous, wears his heart on his sleeve. Alex has built up his confidence over the years with his time spent in the city. He is no longer the introvert Connor knew him as. He is an up and coming director who has already produced a film that gained critical acclaim.

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Glass Hearts (3rd Year Student Film)
Location: Southampton
Dates: 22-24. March (Evening Shoot)
Pay: £150 flat fee
Glass Hearts is a queer short film about two unrequited lovers; Alex and Connor. What began as a passionate young love affair 10 years prior, ended when Connor’s father caught them together. After 10 years and his father’s death, Connor reaches out to Alex to rekindle what they once had. Impassioned discussions of their past and present make for an uncertain future.
Roles we need:
1. Connor (Lead):Charming, confident and straight-forward. Due to internalized homophobia, he has built up a masculine demeanour. Connor has struggled with alcohol addiction in recent years due to anxiety with being himself. He has recently started a new job in finance and gotten back on track. After the recent death of his father, he reached out to Alex to meet up after ghosting him 10 years prior.
2. Alex (Supporting Lead):Well-mannered, adventurous, wears his heart on his sleeve. Alex has built up his confidence over the years with his time spent in the city. He is no longer the introvert Connor knew him as. He is an up and coming director who has already produced a film that gained critical acclaim.
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Looking for a mature male actor (around 45-70) to play the main role in a Liverpool City Center based upcoming student University film with chances of being submitted to film festivals.

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Looking for a mature male actor (around 45-70) to play the main role in a Liverpool City Center based upcoming student University film with chances of being submitted to film festivals. Read More »

Looking for people originally from the North of England or the Midlands to film an interview with their loved one regarding one of the following for some digital branded content.
1) Ex smoker (talking about when you gave up and why)
2) Vaper (why you switched to vaping)
3) Heated Tabacco (why you switched to this product)

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Looking for people originally from the North of England or the Midlands to film an interview with their loved one regarding one of the following for some digital branded content.
1) Ex smoker (talking about when you gave up and why)
2) Vaper (why you switched to vaping)
3) Heated Tabacco (why you switched to this product)
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Casting 2 major roles for the production. Set to be shooting late march/early April so you need to be available for these dates!!

Angie: Sister to the protagonist, someone who has rejected the new phenomenon of digitizing your brain. She intends to live out the rest of her days in reality. FEMALE- YOUNG

Skitch: A conpulsive liar, has the vibe of a drug addict in how he talks romantically about transferring his brain into the digital world. MALE- 20-40


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Casting 2 major roles for the production. Set to be shooting late march/early April so you need to be available for these dates!!

Angie: Sister to the protagonist, someone who has rejected the new phenomenon of digitizing your brain. She intends to live out the rest of her days in reality. FEMALE- YOUNG

Skitch: A conpulsive liar, has the vibe of a drug addict in how he talks romantically about transferring his brain into the digital world. MALE- 20-40

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Casting for a Student Short film

Shooting in GREATER MANCHESTER so need to be based around the area. Dates TBC (March/April).

Evan: 19-23
Having just been broken up with, Evan looks to his mother Nadia for comfort. His character comes into questions when Nadia refuses to sympathise, instead interrogating him. Evan must change in order to rebuild his loving relationships with Nadia and women in general.

Nadia: 40-50
Nadia, once blindly devoted to her son, realises her negative impact influencing his behaviour towards the women in his life. Now made more aware of her sons actions, Nadia confronts her son about his behaviour and the secrets which he has kept from her and his girlfriend

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Casting for a Student Short film

Shooting in GREATER MANCHESTER so need to be based around the area. Dates TBC (March/April).

Evan: 19-23
Having just been broken up with, Evan looks to his mother Nadia for comfort. His character comes into questions when Nadia refuses to sympathise, instead interrogating him. Evan must change in order to rebuild his loving relationships with Nadia and women in general.

Nadia: 40-50
Nadia, once blindly devoted to her son, realises her negative impact influencing his behaviour towards the women in his life. Now made more aware of her sons actions, Nadia confronts her son about his behaviour and the secrets which he has kept from her and his girlfriend
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Late twenties to early thirties, bright, hopeful and eager to help, Sian is very much the instigator and defender of the evening’s event and is desperate for it to go well.

Around the same age as Sian but could be younger. Revlon is smart, well groomed, well bred, trusting and clearly does not come from a Welsh working class mining community.

Mid-thirties, Marilyn is introverted, tense and fearful of change. Though outwardly simple she is very focussed.

Same age as Marilyn, Rona is fiery, foul-mouthed and indomitable. She finds strength in rage, rejects authority and is easily set alight.

Same age as Marilyn and Rona, Jean is stately, conservative and sociable. Though she hails from the same background as Marilyn and Rona, Jean is now the wife of a respected church minister and therefore regards herself as a pillar of the community.

The production will run from Tuesday 16th until Saturday 20th May 2023 (with a matinee performance on the Saturday)

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Late twenties to early thirties, bright, hopeful and eager to help, Sian is very much the instigator and defender of the evening’s event and is desperate for it to go well.

Around the same age as Sian but could be younger. Revlon is smart, well groomed, well bred, trusting and clearly does not come from a Welsh working class mining community.

Mid-thirties, Marilyn is introverted, tense and fearful of change. Though outwardly simple she is very focussed.

Same age as Marilyn, Rona is fiery, foul-mouthed and indomitable. She finds strength in rage, rejects authority and is easily set alight.

Same age as Marilyn and Rona, Jean is stately, conservative and sociable. Though she hails from the same background as Marilyn and Rona, Jean is now the wife of a respected church minister and therefore regards herself as a pillar of the community.

The production will run from Tuesday 16th until Saturday 20th May 2023 (with a matinee performance on the Saturday)
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